Secure remote backup for my mail folder

Software backup, encryption, gnupg, mail, rsync

It is said that there are two kinds of people in the world: those that have lost a hard drive, and those that are going to lose a hard drive. Several weeks ago, I lost a huge hard drive and a lot of data. I was able to retrieve most, but not all of them.

Remote backups?

Now I regularly do complete incremental backups of my computers on external hard drives. But in case of big trouble (fire, theft…), this is just useless. The solution is to do additional backups on a remote server.

Last week, I decided to use for that. I must say I am very pleased by this service: it’s not that cheap (but affordable, especially when you are entitled to the student/teacher/Open Source developer discount), but it seems to be very solid, and the support is very competent and quick to answer any question. So now I am backing up 10+ GB of pictures using unison1, and the next step is to store more sensitive data: all my e-mails.

Here is what I want for my e-mails:

I considered different approaches:

So in the end I just wrote my own script to do just what I want =]

Introducing seb: Simple Encrypted Backup

How does it work?

seb is a simple Python 3 script that performs backups quite efficiently. It produces a bunch of packs, which are encrypted tarballs, which can then be uploaded to the remote host.

A pack contains a fixed number of files (250 in my case, which is reasonable given that most of my mails are only a few kilobytes). When running seb, it finds which files were added, modified or deleted since its last run. Packs are then updated to reflect these local changes. seb tries to be a little smart here: instead of creating new packs, it will first try to add new files to packs that have less than 250 files.

All the needed internal data are saved in a single file, a dictionary that is serialized using Python’s pickle module. File modifications are detected using their modification times only; this can be an issue, but computing file hashes seems overkill here: mails are not supposed to change once they are sent and received…


seb is quite quick. The longest part of the backup is by far uploading data to the remote server.

Some statistics:

Local mail Remote backup
Number of files 87,107 349
Minimum size 218 B 54.89 kB
Maximum size 16.06 MB 47.82 MB
Average size 13.75 kB 1.65 MB
Total size 1169.32 MB 575.70 MB

How to use?

  1. Download seb:
  2. Read the doc: ./seb --help
  3. Use: ./seb ~/mail /path/to/backup_fs

Here’s a tip: on the first run, use a local directory as the destination, and then upload its content to your remote backup site (using scp or rsync for example). On the subsequent runs (where there will be much less data to transfer), you can mount your remote backup site using sshfs and use this mount point directly as your destination folder. It works fine for me.

How to restore a backup?

  1. Grab all the packs.
  2. Decrypt each pack with gpg and extract it with tar.
  3. That’s all.

  1. At the moment, the servers of are running unison 2.27.157. Arch Linux has 2.32.52 (which is the current stable release), and 2.40.* is due in a few days (next stable release). Problem: 2.2* is not compatible with 2.3*, 2.3* is not compatible with 2.4*, etc. So I updated the unison-old package on the AUR, which works really fine for me.

    According to the support, they will be upgrading Unison on their servers this month. ↩︎


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