Category: Software
- Tip: F13-F24 keys with ZSA keyboards on Linux
- Manually removing tabs from the Firefox session manager
- Using content negotiation to serve WebP images in Caddy 2
- How to run a Win10 dev VM on VirtualBox 5
- How to use a Keychron K2/K4 USB keyboard on Linux
- Introducing watch_tabnine
- Python, debugging, print, and context managers
- Automatically archive the modules of the currently running kernel on upgrade on Arch Linux
- GetSimple CMS with Caddy
- Highlighting Hugo shortcodes in Emacs
- Remove the last page of a PDF if empty
- gitlab-runner on a laptop without pain
- Backup TOTP secrets with Emacs
- Islas
- Let's Encrypt and client certificates
- Last commit in each git branch
- Chromecast and network namespaces
- OpenVPN for a single application on Linux
- TLSA records on OVH
- Flashing a stock Android image without wiping user data
- Basic auth / SSL client certificate: dual-method authentication in lighttpd
- lighttpd and SSL client certificates
- hubiC remote for git-annex
- ZSH completion for git-annex
- DNSSEC-trigger on Arch Linux without Network Manager
- Resource control with systemd
- Optimizing JPEG pictures
- iPhone tracking
- Secure remote backup for my mail folder
- OpenPGP smartcard setup on Arch Linux
- HOWTO Backup your GnuPG secret key on paper